Sewing Hands

Sewing Hands
Peggy, Cheryl, Sara, Deborah, Sharon, Kathy, Lois, Evelyn

Friday, September 20, 2013

Michigan Delivery

Our Michigan project was delivered !  Here is a picture of our Sewing Hand Lois who made the delivery and a wonderful thank you note from the shelter.

Debra, Sharon and Lois,
On behalf of AWARE and the mothers and children that visit our shelter, we what to thank you for your blankets, quilts, hats and slippers.
It is organizations like yours that make differences in peoples live who need it. It was also a delight to meet Lois and her husband when they delivered the donation. I hope that your hands and minds continue your great work.
I want to share that we have acknowledged your project on our face book page.
We will be forever grateful for your “Sewing Hands”.
Warm Regards,
Pamela J. Mineweaser
Event and Volunteer Coordinator
P.O. Box 1526
Jackson, Michigan 49204-1526
Fax     (517)990-6769
"AWARE, Inc., strives to eliminate domestic and sexual violence" while promoting social change and empowering survivors by offering shelter and services.
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